
In 2018 I was a cis, heterosexual evangelical Christian, working as a policy professional within the UK Government. Over the next five years, I went through a total self-deconstruction, where I would not only come out as gay and non-binary, but also question my conception of how I could spend my time on this planet.

In 2022 I retrained as a writer with John Yorke's Story for Screenwriting &  The Young Vic Theatre's 'Neighbourhood Voices' year long playwriting development programme.

As a non-binary writer,  I specialise in fiction and non-fiction narratives that disrupt societal expectations and empower difference. I work to create off-beat and surprising stories that champion queer experiences while empowering us all to live our disruptive and awkward selves.

As a trained policy and town planning professional, I balance my writing while continuing to develop policy for Culture Commons; a policy development and advocacy organisation championing the creative and cultural sectors at the centre of UK Government. I believe policy and story do the same thing; both encouraging conscious reflection on ways of being and doing in the world. 

“Simple story, complex characters”

Neil Druckmann (Creator, 'The Last of Us')